Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Blog Soon!!

Hey blog followers!! There will be a new blog soon, along with a slight change in name. The new name will be 317Ministry.... 316Ministry was taken from John 3:16, because, you know, that whole Gospel thing applies to everyone, right? Well, we all know that verse so well that I think we tend to forget what follows. And I think sometimes BECAUSE we forget the next verse, we grant ourselves permission to become more (or simply remain) judgmental and critical of one another. "What is that verse?" Glad you asked! John 3:17 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 17 “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. You see, I've seen it more than I haven't the Bible being used as a weapon of condemnation; or worse, the church itself gets caught up in "The Land of the Pharisee" and forgets that not only is EVERYONE invited AND welcome to the table of Jesus Christ.... They are invited to the table EXACTLY AS THEY ARE, wherever they are in life's journey. Translation: You don't have to clean up before you come to God. And another, the church isn't the cleaner.... That's to be left to God as well. So, I'm working to launch a new blog site (I'll provide a link here when that's ready); as well as a Facebook page dedicated to the continued response of encouragement to others about #loveinaction and #bethechange. God calls each and every one of us to love. That isn't simply a role of a Pastor, an author or a speaker. Each of us can love others right where they are and reveal to them God's message of love and hope through our own lives. This ministry launch will be one to simply provide encouragement and ideas on being a vessel of light, hope and love for the deeply hurting world. This world doesn't need more critics. This world doesn't need more hoarding. This world doesn't need more closed doors. This world doesn't need more rejection. This world doesn't need more darkness. This world needs more love. Stay tuned!! Jeani