Monday, June 14, 2010

Today I Choose....

God has really been working with me about understanding the power in choice. Events will occur. Other's will have agendas, ideas, make decisions, enact their plans that may not fit mine.... But I still have power in that situation when I rest in God and give Him my will. It is the power to choose.

I can choose not to remain angry. I may not be able to control the fact that anger visits me. And I may be completely justified in getting angry. But I don't have to stay there.

I can choose not to be downtrodden. I can choose not to live defeated. Many things can happen in our lives that simply wear us out and steal our joy. We can lose loved ones. We can lose friendships. We can lose pets, jobs, financial security. And all of these things are seen in our society as acceptable reasons for depression. And, truly, there is an appropriate grieving period through all of them. However, it is my choice as to how much I focus on loss and injustices I endure. My season of sadness or depression may be orchestrated by God and may have a divine purpose and intent. And I may not be able to "snap out of it" when others would like. But I do control what I bring to the forefront of my mind. And I do control whether or not I speak God's promises daily to battle the enemy who wants me defeated. It is up to me to live in the heartache, or plow through it. God will strengthen me for my choice. The timing isn't mine. But the choice is.

I can choose not to believe the lies. Satan will forever be sitting upon my shoulder, whispering in my ear how I'm not worthy, God can't use me, reminding me of my sins and my mistakes. He will forever use people I dearly love to offend me and keep me stirred up. He will use strangers just as much. And he will try to knock me off course, to steer me away from God's plan. He will try to convince me I am nothing and God cannot love me. I'm worthless. I'm trash. I'm scum. I have the choice to agree with him, or agree with God. Because God says I'm His. God says my name is written on the palm of His hand. God says He's numbered the hairs on my head. God says nothing can separate me from His love. Nothing. God says He loved me so much that He couldn't bear eternal separation and He sent His Son to die for me. God says my debt is paid in full. God says He's chosen me. Think I like what God has to say more than the enemy.

I can choose to shine the light and share the love, or not. I can choose to keep the promises to myself, or take that step in faith and vulnerability and be open about my relationship with God. I can be vulnerable about my struggles and my victories through Him. I can share my strength, my hope and the love God grants me.

I can choose His grace. I can choose His peace. I can choose His blessings. God's grace is free of charge to us. But it was costly to Him. Christ took the beating and died the death He didn't deserve. And He didn't want to do it. Not His flesh. The Bible tells us the night He was betrayed by Judas, Jesus was trembling with anxiety and sweaty drops of blood fell from His brow while He was praying for God to make another way. But He said something profound and made a choice to follow His statement: Thy will be done. When God did not bring another way, Jesus did not make another way. He followed God's way. The sacrifice God made, the sacrifice Jesus made, was costly. But the love was such it had to be done. And they offer it to each of us. Free of charge. Debt cancellation. And then, an invitation for a personal relationship with them and to share their love with those who don't know them. To help bolster the faith of those who do. To shine that light and rest in their grace, peace and mercy. To embrace all they offer, and then share it with others.

This is the path I choose. I choose not to live defeated. I choose not to listen to the lies. I choose to focus on the goodness of the Father. I choose to marvel at His ways and amazing things He does in my life. I choose to look at the portion of the picture I can see and look back at the road and see how all of the paths lead up to where I am now. And I choose to give the Father all of the glory and all of the praise for every good thing He equips me to do. I choose not to believe I am great, but He is great. I choose to believe He has chosen me and will use me as long as I allow Him to do so. I choose to be obedient and to follow His voice. I choose to share this journey with you.

What choices do you need to make today?

Live blessed! Be a blessing!!

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