Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When a painter stares blankly at a canvass, in their mind they do not see a plain surface of nothing but white. A design, image, scene, landscape or person emerges. In their mind, they work out the details of the lines and select the color palette that will be necessary to bring the subject to life. A sculptor does the same. They look at the medium - clay, stone, wood, metal - and they see something the rest of us don't. Shapes, curves, lines... And they use talent and experience to smooth the rough edges, to chisel away the junk and reveal it.

Parents look at their children and they see natural gifts and activities the kids enjoy. They begin to imagine what that child might do in the world; ways they will make an impact. And quite often, the parents will begin steering a kid in one direction - extra math assignments, extra science experiments, writing classes, music or dance lessons, sports - anything that will provide training so that child can become someone who makes a difference.

And sometimes, kids are in unfortunate situations. And this interest isn't given to them. And they are pushed aside and made to feel like they are more of a nuisance than a gift. They are neglected on some, or even all, levels of development and left to flounder around and feel their way in this dark world, learning by mistakes.

Regardless of the circumstance you had, or the one your children have, it is important to know this: While you may appear as a blank canvass to yourself, a lost cause, someone who missed their calling, this is not how God sees you. God is the Master Artist. He is the designer of all designers. And created you for a purpose. Have you missed it? Maybe. But the wonderful thing about God is there isn't an "oops" factor. He doesn't have to have a back-up idea as to who you should be. Nothing you've said or done surprises Him. He's known you from before the beginning. He's known all along what you would and wouldn't do. And from every experience He's given you the opportunity to learn and move closer to the blueprint.

You may look in the mirror and see nothing good. You may see years of mistakes. Years of hard living. Or maybe just years of mediocrity. Maybe you've done nothing wrong that would make headlines, but maybe you just haven't done your best. Maybe you've just floated by and kind of been tossed in the waves. Or maybe you're the one who has always done what everyone else wanted you to do. You became the doctor instead of the singer, or you work for your father's company when you wanted to do missions work. Whatever your situation, you look at your world and your circumstances, and you do not see how anything good or profound could come from your existence.

I'm going to share something to let you off the hook here.... You're not asked to see it all.

You're asked to look to Him for guidance and direction. To trust Him fully with your life. You're asked to believe His promises and to even test a few of them. To rest in His grace. To accept the gift of salvation and to simply do your best.

If you want to understand God's plan for you, may I suggest spending some time getting to know Him. I do. And I'm learning He's not really what I thought as a kid or younger adult. I wasn't fortunate enough to have a great earthly father. I had a good mother, but an absent father. My dad was a broken man. And so, the idea of what a good father really is hasn't been one I could easily grasp. But the more I study the promises, the more I lean into Him, the more I seek Him with regard to direction and decisions, the more humbled and grateful I become at the realization of how much He loves me.

No matter what I face each day, God is with me. No matter how foggy the future may seem, God is with me. He will always be with me. While I may try to run from Him, I cannot. While I may try to turn my back on Him, He will patiently await my return - standing by my side.

It is this understanding that will anchor me in the midst of the storms - regardless as to what may be the cause of the crushing waves. No matter what comes against me, or attempts to derail me from the plans of my Father, I am anchored. And I believe He has good plans. And I choose to rest in Him. Maybe you will, too.

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