Monday, July 12, 2010


Raw thoughts from the following verse.... This is not refined.... And is choppy (in part thanks to the teens bouncing in and out of their room!) :)

Galatians 6:9
Do not let us grow tired of doing good; we shall reap a
splendid harvest at the proper time if we do not give up.

Every challenge we face in life has a purpose. And even the challenges we bring upon ourselves can be massaged by the hands of God to bring something good from it. Nothing that comes our direction is in vain.

The key is to learn from our experiences and to use them to figure out a way to help make someone else's journey brighter, make their load lighter, show them the love of God. That is the call on every Christian - to show the love of God to all; whether they deserve it or not.

God loves each of us as though we're the only one He loves. He designed us with our differences and our uniqueness for a purpose; yet we all have similar basic needs.

There are the physical needs: Shelter, food, water.... The emotional needs: Love, approval, affection, attention, adoration..... The Spiritual needs: A Savior.

Our job on this planet is to get as close to God as we can in order to undergo the changes within our own person necessary to meet these needs of those around us. We don't need to fight it. We need to accept it. God wants to use us to meet someone else in their broken state. He will meet us in our broken state and bring about the healing at whatever rate we'll allow. And through that healing we receive, we can share with others and encourage them, shine His light and love, and perhaps they will realize they need to move closer to God for their healing so they can continue the cycle.

One of the greatest things I'm finding in this journey as I move closer to God is that the more He heals me, the more I realize how broken I am. I also realize more and more daily that I cannot do this life without Him. I need Him. I'm developing a deeper understanding of the illusion of control the enemy places within us. And I'm beginning to accept the only thing in this world I can control is myself. And while I've argued that I can't control myself, I'm understanding that truly is all I can control. I cannot live this life blaming my responses, actions or reactions, thoughts, words, or emotions upon everyone else. I may not be able to do anything about a circumstance or a situation, but I can control how I react to it and my attitude about it.

I can't accelerate anyone's growth path. I can't save anyone from themselves. I don't own everyone else's emotional state. I don't own anyone else's happiness. I don't have a right to be disrespectful, but I'm not obligated to maintain someone else's emotions. That is their job.

I can't give anyone what they need to fill that hole inside.... That hole is the size of God and God alone. And HE is the one to fill it... It's His size for a reason. Because only He can bring the healing required for the wounds and scars created by this broken world in which we live.

The enemy is mighty, but he will not win. The forces that come against us are powerful, but not more powerful than our God. Darkness covers our world, but cannot keep the light from penetrating. We are protected. We are claimed. We are strengthened to keep fighting - not by our own power - by the power of God.

The tests and trials, the circumstances of preparation, the ramifications of our own missteps -- will wear us out, bring us down, make us want to quit. But as scripture tells us, we have to push through it. There is a greater purpose.

Philippians 3:14 (New International Version)
14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

You may never know why you endure what you endure. You may never fully understand the fruit of your actions. The important thing is to keep doing what you feel God has called you to do and trust Him to strengthen you for what may come against you; let Him fight the battles for you as He's promised to do. Do your part, and let God do His part. He won't do your part. But He will not leave you. Let Him use you....

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