Monday, August 2, 2010


I'll be honest, my last blog was an attempt to share how I had overcome staring at the laundry list of things beyond my control, but quite nicely held in God's hands, causing me frustration lately. I encouraged everyone (including myself) to quit looking at the list. It's a trap of the enemy. All of that was true. All of that is accurate. Here's my confession, I did it again.

I've posted this verse before. I've talked about it. I've separated it into two halves. It seems I needed the reminder, so, once again, I share with whomever God leads toward this blog.

John 10:10 (New International Version)
10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

This is Part I. And it is pretty crucial. It holds something we really need to understand. We have a strong enemy who really does want to destroy us. Not just knock us down, make fun of us, call us names. He really desires our destruction. He wants us to be miserable. And he uses all kinds of tactics, and sometimes even people that we love, to deprive of us Part II of this verse....

John 10:10 (New International Version)
10.... I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

I need to do a better job of grasping this part. Jesus came to save us from ourselves, yes. He came to pay a debt we could never pay. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the gate. He is our savior. All very, very true and extremely important. Even a critical focus of our faith. But so much more came with that gift God gave us. And I think many of us focus on the saving part, but not so much on the "life, and have it to the full" part...

Jesus wants us to enjoy our life. Our lives should not be constant struggles and battles and burdens. We need to daily re-focus our energies on what is around us and assess where we are at. And whether or not things can change, accepting responsibility for our part; not trying to do another's part and worse, God's part.

When we are staring at our list of anxieties, we are playing to the enemy's hand. When we are focused on everything in our life that is out-of-control, in a shambles, a wreck, we are unable to see the morning dew, or hear the beautiful song of the birds in the sky, enjoy our children's laughter, embrace responsibility with our jobs and whistle while we work. (Okay, corny, but you get the picture.)

What can we possibly find in our lives that is enjoyable when we allow the enemy to keep sliding our list of worries before us. He changes the font color and size. He may even use a different color paper to distract us. Maybe it comes in the form of another bill, running out of milk, needing gas in the car, a phone call, a doctor's appointment, an email or a text message. Maybe you see a commercial on TV for a restaurant and all that does is remind you that you cannot enjoy a meal there right now; instead of sparking you to thank God there is food in your pantry and that you are not hungry. Maybe you see a trailer for a movie you want to see and you can't just get up off the couch and go because next week the cable bill is due. Do you focus on the fact that you can't enjoy a current movie, or thank God for the provision to be able to afford that DVR and those movie channels?

For every item on your list for which you can recite a worry, I encourage you to run it backwards and identify a blessing. Trouble in your marriage? You're not alone wishing you had someone to hold at night. Trouble with your kids? You're not crying yourself to sleep praying that God will bless you with a bundle of joy of your own. Can only window shop at the mall? At least you are physically able to go and walk around. Some people have lost that ability through various circumstances.

Look at your list and analyze it. If you have situations or circumstances that aren't positive or healthy, examine what is in your control and work on improving it. But don't only look at the problems. Search for solutions and implement the changes necessary to improve life.

Life is to be lived and cherished. Look at this beautiful world around us? We complain about many things, but if we shift our focus and turn our attentions to the magnificent creation we've been asked to tend, and breathe deeply the life God wants us to have, surely we can find something to be happy about?

Dive in, work hard, love hard, play hard. Plan to live and enjoy every moment. Jesus died so you could.

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