Sunday, May 23, 2010

It Bites!!

Let me tell you what, this economy bites! So many people losing their jobs, homes, unable to make ends meet. People who are more than qualified to make large sums of money finding themselves standing on a street corner advertising themselves because they can't find any openings. Parents having to decide whether or not to eat in order to make sure their children do eat.

I am truly glad I grew up poor. Because in lean times, I do know what I need to do for myself and my own comfort.

Praise the Father who does provide what we do have!!

Thank Him that I am employed. Thank Him that I know He has a plan. Thank Him that He's entrusted me with what we have to prove that we'll be good stewards. Thank Him for meeting our needs. Thank Him that we don't go to bed hungry. Thank Him that we do have food to eat, even if it's not what we want right then. Thank Him that we can wash our clothes. Thank Him that we can pay our bills. Thank Him that we're not worried about being homeless today. Thank Him that the choices we have to make aren't between food and medicine, but wants and needs.

Does it solve my financial belt tightening that I will continue to do? No. Not at all. I'm not suddenly overcome with more money than I can handle. I'm not suddenly eliminated from the activity of making choices of purchasing things I need now and wondering if I can skimp by until the next check. I'm not removed from having to dole out "rations" of food to the family and emphasize responsible usage of our resources. All of this remains.

But as I focus on what we have, instead of what we don't have, and I remain in that attitude of gratitude, I find contentment.

In Philippians chapter 4, Paul describes to us in verses 11 & 12 that he has found contentment. It's a key to this life.

Philippians 4:11-12 (New International Version)
11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

We need to learn from this lesson as adults. And we need to be teaching it to our children. Both of our kids are currently uncomfortable because they have learned to tie their happiness upon material things. They've learned, over time, that if they get the things they want then they are satisfied - for a second. Soon enough, they have their eyes on something else. They are right on track with their maturity. And unfortunately, right on track with the theory of our world today.

We've become a Nation that hangs the hat on "stuff". All kinds of stuff. Bigger houses, bigger boats, more boats, more cars, more expensive cars, flat screen TVs, blue rays, iPods, iPhones, on and on.

Hear what I'm saying, if you are able to have all of these things without being up to your eyeballs or higher in debt, if you are able to receive these wonderful things and enjoy them without wrecking your financial cushion, then enjoy them! By all means, it means you've earned it or God has been extremely gracious. Be sure to find a way to give back. God promises all throughout the Bible He wants to bless us abundantly so that we can bless others. If you can enjoy these great things, do. And don't for one second feel guilty. But help others where you can.

The point of all of this is our kids don't know how to be content. Truthfully, a lot of us adults don't know how to be content. We don't know how to feel joy for our neighbors who just bought that new Mustang or Jeep Wrangler (weakness of my own!) We wreck ourselves with envy trying to figure out how we can get it. Or we destroy a friendship because we simply think they don't deserve it. There is no way they could afford it. What about ME??

When we put our faith and our trust, our hope and our lives in "stuff" instead of in the One who provides it all in the first place, when that "stuff" lets us down because the tax man cometh, or the bill collectors cometh, or the health faileth, or the job goeth.... Then what?

Depression. Addictions. Hopelessness. Worse?

If you are reading this, you follow me because you love me - and I thank you! - or you've come across it because God has something He wants you to know:

Things will fail you. They break. They wear out.

Money, if it is your god, will fail you. Soon enough, there is never enough. And you will risk your own health, your relationships with your family and friends, your own sanity to try to get enough.

People will disappoint you. They will say hurtful things. They will intentionally or unintentionally stab you in the back, throw you under the bus, leave you stranded or abandoned.

But God will never leave you nor forsake you.

Joshua 1:5 (New International Version)
5 No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6 (New International Version)
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Deuteronomy 31:8 (New International Version)
8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Isaiah 43:1-3 (New International Version)
1 But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;

When you focus on the material things of this world, you buy into the lie of the enemy. You believe that the more you have the more powerful you will be; the more friends you will have; the more approval you will receive.

What kind of life is it to go about day-in-day-out jealous of people who you deem to be more blessed than you? What kind of life is it to constantly have your eye on the next thing you want to buy?

What kind of life is it if you cannot be happy in the presence of the company of those who love you and those whom you love? What kind of life is it if you miss the smell of rain, because you're strategizing how to gain more "stuff"? What kind of life is it if you miss the song of the birds, because you're moving too fast to amass more wealth? What kind of life is it if you miss the warmth of the sunshine; the sound of the water lapping against a dock; the smell and brilliant colors of the flowers; the laughter of children; the wisdom of the elderly?

I have plenty of things I want. I have a pretty long list. We have plenty of things we still need now that we're living in our own apartment. That's a pretty good list too. We have to prioritize and juggle things all of the time. And sometimes we're very wise, and sometimes we're very foolish.

But I'm content. My hope and joy isn't in the things that we do have, or the things that we don't have. My hope and joy is in the breath I breathe today. It is in the opportunities I have to show love and to be loved. It's in the relationships I continue to build, cultivate and fertilize. It's knowing that God has a plan. And knowing that His plan will be much better than any I could ever devise. It's in getting to know Him more and understand better the direction and call upon my life.

It's not in stuff. It's in love. And when I put everything I have into loving others and accepting love, knowing that God will meet my needs, being responsible with what He gives me, meeting Him wherever He wants me, and giving to others as He calls me, I feel overwhelmed with gratitude and joy. It is then I know I am beyond blessed. It is here I want my family to get. It is this I want our children to understand. If they can learn this now, they will have joy all of their lives. And what parent doesn't want that for their kids??

Thank you to my mother who taught me exactly this through her faith in God and His provision. And for teaching us how to live life without needing the latest and the greatest. Love you momma!

John 10:10 (New International Version)
10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

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