Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What a weekend! In all my life I've never seen so much water - other than maybe the ocean! And I haven't even seen it first hand yet. I've only been watching the news. I'm one of those annoying people who follows the mayor's orders. If he says, stay in. I do. I wait until the all clear is given and things are safe to venture out. The evidence of this flood will be there for weeks to come. Trust me, I'll still be able to appreciate the magnitude.

I'm hoping to venture out this weekend and help with some clean up efforts or something. I don't feel good about doing nothing. We'll see where that leads.

In one of my devotionals today, the following verse was referenced: Hebrews 13:5

Hebrews 13:5-6 (New International Version)
5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

That alone is a great reminder where we should put our trust and hope in this life. And the weather event from this weekend has been a testimony to that. The total damage won't be known for weeks. But we already know many landmarks will need to be repaired. We already know subdivisions are under water. We already know people have lost homes, cars, businesses, livelihoods. Or, have we?

Material, tangible things can eventually be replaced. Some. Pictures, yes. Not so much. Heirlooms. Probably not. I get it. Somethings you can't replace. But that DVD collection you found, bet you could find another on eBay or Amazon. And you still have the memories. And you still have life. And you still have a future. And when God is your source and your hope, you know from His promises and the testimonies in the Bible He is more than capable of replacing things that are lost.

Which brings me to Hebrews 13:6:

6So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

When I put my trust in a person, or a job, or a location, I completely open myself for unmeasurable disappointment. I open myself to loss and tremendous pain. I open myself to that despair and hopeless darkness many of us know or have known. We've all done this. And I'm not telling you I'm perfect at doing what I need to do. I'm not. I have many phases of my life to which I can point and reveal how my source was in exactly one of or all of these things and the way it impacted my outlook on life.

But when I put my trust in God, the source of all Creation, I know that even though my emotion might be sad, even though I may feel very broken, I don't lose that hope that it will get better. I don't lose that understanding Who is providing for me daily. I know that no matter how chaotic the situation seems at the given moment, things will improve, things will turn around, things will work out for His glory. He's promised it. And I've lived it.

Today, I was introduced to a 10 year old girl who has lost her arm due to an electrocution accident. Her life was spared. But she has damage and will continue to undergo observations and surgeries toward her recovery. At 10 years old she understands Jeremiah 29:11.... She knows God has a plan for her life. It's the same for each one of us. There is a plan.

Here is the prayer I left for Madysen. When I send people prayers, I stop thinking, and I just type. I don't share this to seem arrogant or bragging or anything like that. I share this because after I posted this prayer, I read it again. As I always do. And I felt as though God was asking me to share this message with others as well. It's applicable to many.

Father God, daily you amaze me. Daily you bring into my circle those who exhibit strength, wisdom and knowledge beyond their years and mine. Father, I stand in the gap of intercession for my new friend Madysen. I ask that you continue to protect her heart and mind from the enemy. I pray that you surround her family with your light and love. Father, we firmly believe the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 for this beautiful warrior you've chosen. We thank you for your promises. We thank you that we have hope. We thank you, God, that you'll not abandon us. We thank you, Father, that we're never handed more than you will help us endure. During the days we feel weak, lift us from that pit. During the times it seems dark, shine your light. Never let us forget your presence. Keep us focused on your gifts and your promises. Turn our hearts and minds from despair, and direct them to you. You are the source of all things. You are the beginning of our life and our love. Let us shine freely the life you give us that others might also be touched. Let us take your call and further your Kingdom through acts of love toward others. Father, I call this warrior into your army in Jesus' name. I claim her young life for you. Surround her with your army of angels. Guide her. Grant her your favor. Bring her family with her, Father, into your army as they guide, love and nurture your servant. And, Father, thank you for bringing Madysen into my life to teach me strength and peace. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Bless others!

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