Sunday, April 25, 2010


If we were sitting in a room together, and I asked you to raise your hand if you honestly, at your core, have peace when you're waiting, I would suspect not many hands would be raised. I'm sure there are those individuals who are far enough in their walk with the Father, or those who simply were born with that laid back nature, who would slowly lift theirs. But if you're a classic type A personality like me? You're not going to raise your hand. You're going to fold your arms across your chest, let out either a groan or a HMPH! and get "that look" of impatience on your face at the mere mention of waiting. I am this person. I don't like it.

Here, in the south, I wait all of the time. People are not in a hurry here. Not at the gas station. Not crossing in front of you as they walk into a store. Not the cashiers. Not the tellers. Not doctors. Not nurses. No one. Until you get on the highway, then you have a lane of these people and a lane of transplants who still believe they are in whatever city they came from and THEY will run you over! :) And I know there is a great purpose in this small fact of southern life for me personally. It is to teach me to slow down.

Today, I attended church where the Pastor was talking about waiting. And it felt as though she was speaking directly to me. I am waiting right now for big changes to come with regard to my vocation. And recently, I've displayed palpable impatience. God knew I needed this message. He knew I needed the reminder.

She had several analogies and a few anecdotes that were nice. But I remember most the following verse:

Psalm 27:14 (New International Version)

14 Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.

And her words reminding us that while we may not understand God's timing, getting in line with that, getting on board with His plan, will certainly reduce and eventually eliminate the frustration we often feel in this life with our impatience as He prepares us to bear fruit for His Kingdom.


I was simply reminded today that the good soil in my heart continues to be cultivated. That it's time to "plug in" and become involved with activities and with others who can help plant that seed in my heart so that at God's appointed time I will become one of His warriors; a fisher of men.

I'm excited to get involved. I didn't feel "weird" or anything like that. And I have felt that way in some of the churches who claim to be Holy places. I've walked in some places where I felt an immediate need to literally run out. I've been in some churches that seemed so sweet and nice on that first day, but extremely reluctant to allow anyone other than their core clique do anything. I've been in churches where the members took one look at me and nearly escorted me out the door. Their cold reception was not any better than doing exactly that. So, I was excited today when I walked into the building knowing nobody, yet didn't feel awkward or unwanted. I know God has called me here and I know I will find a place where I can connect and receive that seed I need for the next phase of God's plan. I'm happy. :)

Now.... I need to take Psalm 27:14 and carve it upon my heart. Many things need to be gradual. I need to continue to pray that good balance stays in my life. I can be a "dive head first" person - even if the water is 2 feet deep and there are No Diving signs posted. But I do feel this is the beginning of the transition from current to future. And I'm PUMPED! :)

Be blessed!! More over, bless others!

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