Friday, September 10, 2010

9/11 Will Never Be Forgotten

Okay, let me get serious for a second, 9 years ago tomorrow, I heard the phone ring in my hotel room and on the other end was my Gma's voice telling me we'd been attacked. I couldn't understand her words. She said it 3 times. I turned on the TV and sat there absorbing what I was seeing. Those images were replays. But I will never, EVER forget the feeling inside. America? Our soil?? Planes crashing into buildings??? As the confusion in my mind took over my body I felt numb. Who would do this?

Those of us who lived it know the results.


What I saw in the days that followed quickly replaced the grave images plastered all over the TV and papers. I saw a nation rise up, unify, join hands and face the challenges before us. I saw reports of strangers sifting through rubble without sleep from all over the country in hopes of finding survivors. I saw lines circling buildings where people were donating blood in most of our cities.

This was something good coming from what the enemy meant for harm.

I saw the other side as well. Suddenly, terrorist and Muslim became synonymous. I assure you, they are not.

I am a Christ Follower. The Gospel resonates for me. I'm not all God intends for me to be, but I am moving in the right direction. Even still, I do not hate others who have chosen another religion. And I do not hate Muslims. Muslims are not the enemy.

Hate is the enemy.

Tomorrow, when we remember the tragedy, let us not forget the unity. Let us not forget that regardless of our differences we are the same. We all need acceptance, love, approval.

Those who choose to live a life of hate and act in hateful ways destroying unity, destroying life should be brought to justice. But let us not allow enemy #1 to destroy our focus. Our enemy is not an entire nation, or an entire religion, or a specific race.

Our enemy is ignorance, hatred, intolerance, injustice.

Let us move toward understanding each other and embracing the diversity and individuality we each bring to the game. I've said it before this week, and I'll probably keep saying it, we are each on a journey to find truth and peace.

There are extremists everywhere.

Let's don't be one of them.

To our soldiers and their families, your sacrifice is only understood by fellow soldiers and other military families. My prayers are lifted for you daily. Thank you for choosing to protect us from those who choose violence as their platform. May God's arms remain around you and protect you.

For those who've lost loved ones as a result of 9/11 itself or the ongoing war, my deepest, sincerest condolences for you. May God's healing touch constantly be upon you.

And for the rest of us, may we continue to move closer to love and farther from hate dealing the main enemy the hardest blow yet.

Walk in love, be blessed.


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