Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On a Roll!

Okay, so I don't normally post two blog posts in one day. But the Father is really speaking to my heart right now. I'm really searching internally and dealing with some things I wish would hurry up and change, but they haven't. I'm learning to rest in God's grace (as one of my favorite Pastors puts it) and truly sit in the passenger seat of life - as far as control is concerned. Don't misinterpret that resting in God's grace and granting Him the control He truly owns means sitting along and simply watching the view. There are plenty of things He's going to ask you to do.

As I was sitting here, it came to my mind that my entire life I've struggled with responding to things using anger versus the actual emotion I might be feeling at that time. And as I continue to learn and grow and mature with regard to this, I sometimes become irritated that I continue to struggle and that it seems to be a very slow progression of improvement. You might say I was beating myself up about it.

Here's a truth:

2 Corinthians 5:17 (New International Version)
17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

"...the old has gone, the new has come!"

There is a power inside I didn't possess before I came to know Christ. For me, I embraced Him as a child, but I wasn't taught about a relationship with Him or the power He wants to share with me because I know Him. But I understand this now. So, I can praise God knowing that some day this issue won't have to dominate my reactions. Because the power does exist. What once was my daily reaction to things no longer has to be my daily reaction if I rely upon this relationship I have with Christ and allow the "new" to come! How awesome is that?

Finish this statement: "I have always _____________."

Maybe for you it reads like this...

"I have always been a liar."

"I have always been unfaithful."

"I have always been unforgiving."

"I have always been angry."

"I have always been untrustworthy."

"I have always been distrusting."

"I have always held grudges."

Whatever you used to fill in the blank, remember, if you've accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the old is gone and the new has come! Just because "you've always been" something doesn't mean you always have to remain that way. You have inside the power of change and improvement.

Can you change it by yourself? No. Please don't believe that lie of the enemy - the one that says you can. You can't. I bought it for many, many years and have never been remotely successful. Healing of and transformation of your heart to give up these old ways, these old habits, these old defects to become more like Christ comes only from your relationship with the Father and your willingness to allow Him to work.

It's not easy. And it's sometimes painful. We become accustomed to our brokenness and even though we may not like something about ourselves, we've bought Satan's lie that it is "just how we are." Or the other one that "we deserve the suffering that comes."


I will likely delve into that more in the days to come. But so as not to overload anyone, let us just allow this one verse to sink into our hearts.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (New International Version)
17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Those things we don't like about ourselves, those things we want to improve, those mistakes we always make... through our relationship with God and in His timing can change.

Be brave! Step out and ask God to help you with these things. Allow Him to do His work and heal you. Allow Him to continue molding you into who He wants you to become while here on this earth.

Be blessed!

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