Sunday, April 25, 2010


If we were sitting in a room together, and I asked you to raise your hand if you honestly, at your core, have peace when you're waiting, I would suspect not many hands would be raised. I'm sure there are those individuals who are far enough in their walk with the Father, or those who simply were born with that laid back nature, who would slowly lift theirs. But if you're a classic type A personality like me? You're not going to raise your hand. You're going to fold your arms across your chest, let out either a groan or a HMPH! and get "that look" of impatience on your face at the mere mention of waiting. I am this person. I don't like it.

Here, in the south, I wait all of the time. People are not in a hurry here. Not at the gas station. Not crossing in front of you as they walk into a store. Not the cashiers. Not the tellers. Not doctors. Not nurses. No one. Until you get on the highway, then you have a lane of these people and a lane of transplants who still believe they are in whatever city they came from and THEY will run you over! :) And I know there is a great purpose in this small fact of southern life for me personally. It is to teach me to slow down.

Today, I attended church where the Pastor was talking about waiting. And it felt as though she was speaking directly to me. I am waiting right now for big changes to come with regard to my vocation. And recently, I've displayed palpable impatience. God knew I needed this message. He knew I needed the reminder.

She had several analogies and a few anecdotes that were nice. But I remember most the following verse:

Psalm 27:14 (New International Version)

14 Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.

And her words reminding us that while we may not understand God's timing, getting in line with that, getting on board with His plan, will certainly reduce and eventually eliminate the frustration we often feel in this life with our impatience as He prepares us to bear fruit for His Kingdom.


I was simply reminded today that the good soil in my heart continues to be cultivated. That it's time to "plug in" and become involved with activities and with others who can help plant that seed in my heart so that at God's appointed time I will become one of His warriors; a fisher of men.

I'm excited to get involved. I didn't feel "weird" or anything like that. And I have felt that way in some of the churches who claim to be Holy places. I've walked in some places where I felt an immediate need to literally run out. I've been in some churches that seemed so sweet and nice on that first day, but extremely reluctant to allow anyone other than their core clique do anything. I've been in churches where the members took one look at me and nearly escorted me out the door. Their cold reception was not any better than doing exactly that. So, I was excited today when I walked into the building knowing nobody, yet didn't feel awkward or unwanted. I know God has called me here and I know I will find a place where I can connect and receive that seed I need for the next phase of God's plan. I'm happy. :)

Now.... I need to take Psalm 27:14 and carve it upon my heart. Many things need to be gradual. I need to continue to pray that good balance stays in my life. I can be a "dive head first" person - even if the water is 2 feet deep and there are No Diving signs posted. But I do feel this is the beginning of the transition from current to future. And I'm PUMPED! :)

Be blessed!! More over, bless others!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Give. Then Give Some More.

Recently, it was brought to my attention that over 100 thousand, yes, THOUSAND people (and this isn't the official, final count) purchased an item for an online game that cost them each $25. Now, for some, $25 is a drop in the bucket. For others, that's a major deal. Let's look at it in the context of 100 thousand of them.....

That calculates to $2.5 million dollars. Not the final total, mind you. I'm sure they don't release that number. But in a single 3-5 hour span.

IF those same 100+ thousand would have given this money toward naturopathic cancer treatment, and toward just one of the types of treatments, 68 people would be able to receive weekly treatments for a solid year.

So, this got me thinking about my life and my giving patterns and the excuses that come along with not doing it. Or not doing more.

Don't get me wrong, I know the economy is tight right now. Many don't have jobs and are running out of unemployment or living off savings they swore they'd never touch. Others are working two jobs to ensure the bank doesn't come after the house or the car. I understand tight. Perfectly. Far too well, even.

I put it into perspective for myself this way: While I may only be able to give a few dollars here and there, if we all gave what we could, collectively it grows. If you think about it, in comparison to the population of the world, one hundred thousand people isn't that much. It isn't even 1% of the population. It's 0.00147% (using 6.8 billion - which is the last number I heard.)

Many times in my life, rather than asking what I could sacrifice to give more, I asked myself how little could I give so that I could keep doing what I was doing.

Do you get a coffee every morning before work? Starbucks? McDonald's? How about a donut to go with it? Egg McMuffin?? Piece of fruit? Bagel at Panera (those are YUMMY!!)? Anything you do every single week or day that has just become a standard for you, but isn't really a need at all?

I am not talking about giving so much that you have to ask for help to meet your own needs. Simply asking that we all look at our lives and our routines. Where do you spend your money? Where do you spend your time?

Some of us are strapped to the max. There is no more blood to be squeezed out of the turnip. Our schedules are so completely full that we don't know if we're coming or going. We already feel the stress and pressures of life to do more and to be more. And we're exhausted. We're spent.

So, if we're at that brink, let's evaluate what we're doing. Put it on paper. Track your spending for a week, two weeks, a month. See where the money is really going. Log your time. How much time are you spending in the car getting from one place to the next? Can you consolidate your "outings"? Maybe do your shopping closer to home? Carpool and spend time blessing someone by sharing God's love.... Or better yet, listening?

Here are a few monetary things posed as a donation amount, and a very small sacrifice that will provide that amount:

$5 - the same as 1 Starbucks coffee; or a 12 pack of soda

$10 - 2 cartons of ice cream; 2 footlong Subways

$15 - Fast food lunch/dinner for two. Some people, just themselves.

$20 - 4 days of Starbucks; maybe a magazine subscription

$25 - 5 days of Starbucks; or daily coffee and donuts before work

$50 - cutting cable down to half for one month; forgoing the Olive Garden, Red Lobster, etc.

$75 - some combo sacrificing; dinner and a movie for two

$100 - cut the cable to basic for a month; or cut it in half for 2 months

What can we reduce that isn't a necessity in order to bless someone who truly has a need?

There are thousands of charitable organization struggling in this economy just like us. But if we all join together, we can make a difference. Money, food, time.

What event has touched your heart and soul to the core of who you are?

Been in an abusive family? There are organizations designed to help the abuser overcome, rescue those being abused, help them find jobs, shelter, financial assistance. What about giving to one of them and be a part of breaking that horrendous cycle for some family?

Drug addiction/alcoholism touch a nerve for you? Have you experienced and overcome it yourself? Have you seen how it robs life from those you love? Find your local organizations and ask how you can help. Maybe they need materials for a program and they can't fund it. Maybe they need art supplies for art therapy. Old magazines taking up space in your house. Maybe they need coffee cups for meetings. Maybe they need coffee! Anything you can think of. Don't be afraid to call and ask if they do have a wish list. Most operations geared toward social justice and assistance have one.

Heart disease? Cancer? Multiple Sclerosis? Muscular Dystrophy? Cystic Fibrosis? Diabetes? This list can go on forever. And every single disease mentioned has a national organization you can Google and quickly search for local chapters or other areas of need. And with most, you can be as involved as your life-balance allows.

There are so many other wonderful organizations. I cannot possibly list them all. My challenge to you is to take your pulse. Do a status check. What's your spiritual location? Are you on track with who God has called you to be? Or are you stuck in the hamster wheel simply running as fast as you can but truly going nowhere.

Opportunities are plentiful. We only need to evaluate, identify, eliminate and pray for God to fill the voids we uncover.

Think you have absolutely no way to do anything else either financially or with your time. Change that order. And pray first. Ask God to show you the extra filling in your life. Ask God to direct you toward the causes or people who need your blessings.

Maybe they live in your house. Maybe they are your parents or your grandparents. Maybe they are closer than you think.

Be willing to change. Be open to heart surgery from the Master. And be ready to find fulfillment. Through the simple act of blessing others, you will find greater joy in your life. Promise.

Be blessed!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"You are not your own."

1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)
19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

I've felt this way many times in my life. That I don't belong to myself. Like, when I was 10 years old and my mother forced me to attend our monthly 4-H meeting against my will. Or the following Sunday, when we all climbed into her truck, argued the entire way to church, listened to the message, and shared our revelations on the way home as a result of the Pastor's teaching. Or the time, as a college student, I didn't want to sit on the bus for hours and hours to travel to a game. Or as an adult, when I didn't want to pay the bills, but preferred to be able to use the money for something fun. Or the time I was gently reminded by the police officer of Lyons, KS that the speed limit through town is 20 MPH, not 40 MPH. With each example, my will was overridden by an external force.

I can only think of one thing we truly own. It isn't even of our own design. But the design of the Father. He gifted it to us. And even it can be influenced for good or for evil: It's our choice.

I choose to be angry or patient.

I choose to speak or remain silent.

I choose to smile or frown.

I choose to pray or curse.

I choose to walk away or dig in my heels.

I choose to embrace God's gifts or to spit in His face.

I choose to use God's gifts or to let them sit idle.

I choose to hear His voice or the noise of this world.

I choose to see things His way or the way of the world.

I choose to study His Promises or believe the enemy's lies.

I choose to root myself in Him or bounce around this world searching for purpose.

I choose to be content and grateful for what I have or to be discontent and focused on what I lack.

I choose to be humble or to be proud.

I choose to glorify God or to glorify myself.

I choose His wisdom or my judgment.

I choose to love or to hate.

I choose to increase in Him or shrink on my own.

I choose to accept Christ or to reject Him.

I choose to follow Him or walk away from Him.

Hm. Seems like a pretty long list. And I'm sure I can add to it. And some could argue that the choice is a pretty powerful thing. Perhaps in the context of this world it would seem. I know the choice has eternal consequences based upon my study.

Here's what I also know from only 37 years of living (and mind you, there have been difficult times, and difficult decisions to be made, but I know I haven't had "the worst life"..... Granted, valuable lessons nevertheless.)

When I "do" this life without God as my center, without the example of Christ in the forefront of my mind and every decision I make, I suck at it. I mean, I'm a tragic failure. Things get messy. I find myself struggling to breathe. Darkness surrounds me. My "happy" emotions are dulled. I feel very flat. I'm trying desperately to please everyone, to make everyone happy, but I'm not happy myself. I need approval. But I can't seem to please anyone. And this is in one phase. Soon enough, I find myself in even worse shape. The air feels stagnant. It's suffocating. Joy is but a dream. Happiness is non-existent. I feel pain. I feel angry. I can't tell you the reason. But I do. And it comes out of me freely. Spewing like venom. I hate everyone. No one understands me. No one "gets it." And the next thing you know, I feel trapped and hopeless. There is no way out. Life will never get better. It will always be fruitless and futile. I have succumbed to the darkness.

Ugly picture, huh?

BUT when I "do" life with God as my center, and Christ as my measuring stick rather than anything of this world - fashion, success, money, etc., the burden isn't the same. The hope is always present. Even in the rough spots. Even when the storms are raging, the wind is whipping, the waves are towering above me there is a peace at my core and a calm I can always find when I decide to focus upon it. I learn to work on pleasing God first, and when I do this, miraculously, others seem content with me as well. I don't need someone else's approval. I have God's approval. I am accepted by Him. This alone lifts a giant weight! When Christ is my measuring stick, even though I know I'm not perfect and will never be exactly like Him, I feel more happiness inside when I try to be like Him; and I feel more love naturally flowing out. The things that used to make me angry become trivial. I see others differently. I see what's inside, past all of the junk, and remember that God loves them, too; just as much as He loves me. They are unique and special to Him. He longs to know them, to walk with them, to help them navigate this crazy world. They are also broken and hurting like me. I make a bigger effort to share God's love, rather than hording and clinging to every scrap of love I can get. I have God's love. What more do I need? My name is written upon His hand. He's numbered the hairs of my head. He has a plan for my life. I want others to know this. Not about me. But that it applies to them as well! I want to give His love away. And through that very act, more comes at me than I ever dreamed.

God's economy is the economy of reverse.

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Bless others, and you will be blessed. Is that the reason to bless others? So we get something in return? No. The reason to bless others is because God has blessed us so much and He uses us to reach our brothers and sisters in Christ to further His Kingdom. The additional blessings we receive are simply our reward for being obedient to His call upon our hearts.

What does all of this have to do with "You are not your own?" I'll tell you. I am not here to serve myself or to be served. I am here to further God's Kingdom. And in order to do that, I have to get really good at blessing others. I need to bless others the same way I pray. Automatically. Continuously. Non-stop. Accepting zero obstacles. It's the next level for me on this path to answer God's voice. And I'm going to practice it over and over and over until it becomes as natural as breathing.

In order to bless others, I have to take good care of myself. I've started walking again. And I intend to keep it up. Eating right is the next thing. And routine doctor's visits (which I must confess, I HATE!!) are incredibly important. I cannot be a strong warrior for God if I'm physically falling apart. I'm not hanging out waiting to meet Jesus. I want to live! And enjoy each day and bless others; to learn more and share the experiences. I want to show others God's character. We see enough of Satan in everything else around us.

What if we focused upon God's blessings and decided with our option to choose to look at the beautiful world He's given us and decided to take care of ourselves, each other, and everything around us? It will take heart surgery performed by the Master Surgeon to teach us how to overcome the vein of selfishness we all possess. But if we allow the procedure, it can happen. No one is too far from the reach of God. We just typically choose to ignore Him.

Challenge for the rest of this week: Go out of your way to be a blessing to someone each day. Just one act each day. Rather than walking by the person vertically challenged reaching for the top shelf, help out. Rather than letting the tired mother with the screaming kids fumble for her car keys, ask if you can hold the bag while she gets them. Of course, the latter may get you whacked with her purse, so approach with caution. :) But you get the idea. Just one a day and see what happens inside. I dare you! :)

Be blessed!! Bless others!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Freedom of Religion? As long as you're Christian?

The past couple of days I've found myself involved in a couple of debates about the circulation miscommunicating that President Obama has decided to ignore the long standing National Day of Prayer and instead proclaimed a National Day of Prayer for Muslims. Neither statement is true. The President did not sign the proclamation last year as has been customary by his predecessors. He chose to observe the day privately. And I would venture to bet most of us Christians also prayed privately. He also did not put into effect any National Muslim Day of anything. Where am I going with this?

First and foremost, I don't need a specific day set aside to pray. I pray daily, and actually, continuously. As a Christian, of course I appreciate the nod toward my religion and the fact over the course of history such a day has been set aside. I don't dispute we were built upon Christian principles and started as a Christian nation. And, because that's the religion that makes sense to me and the one I deem to be the truth, of course any political event bringing attention is good, in my opinion.

However, all of us, Christian and non-Christian alike, must remember that our founders also left their original country as a result of religious persecution seeking religious freedom. And if our country truly wanted to practice religious tolerance, we wouldn't be worried if the President did in fact set aside a day.....

This is a fine line for me.

But I also believe that religion, or spirituality, or whatever you want to label it is a personal decision. My Creator gave me and everyone else on this planet Free Will. We have the intellectual ability to study, discern and decide for ourselves what makes sense.

Of course, being Christian, I have no issue with the National Day of Prayer, how it came about and the history involved. My only issue is, as a nation, we've reduced ourselves to mud slinging and fostering half-truths to suit our own purposes or agenda. As a Christian, I find this disturbing. It certainly isn't Christ-like to do so. And it doesn't make anyone want to be a part of "our group." I have so many friends "turned off" by the church and the label Christianity now holds. I am heartbroken about it and hope I can become more like Christ daily to live and teach as many as I can the true meaning of Christ Follower.

I believe in John 14:6, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And I believe in the Great Commission to share that with others. I do not, however, believe that I should become so incensed with anger that I lower myself to sharing half-truths about other people's beliefs or actions that don't support my faith. And I certainly don't believe in treating those who do not choose to follow Christ with any different level of respect than I'd give a fellow Christian.

For centuries, man has chosen to hate and slaughter others who don't believe as they do in the name of God or Christ. What if we put our energies into loving others instead? What if we put our energies into displaying the acceptance Christ displayed? Would this not help further the Kingdom more than our intolerance and hatred? Does it do us any good to force another to announce their belief in Christ verbally, if they hate us and our beliefs in their heart?

God Himself does not force us to believe in His Son. God allows us to make our choices and live with our consequences. He pursues us. He continues to knock on the door of our hearts. But He doesn't violently cause us to submit to Him. He prefers it be our choice. Why not live in God's love and display that to others and allow them to determine how they feel about it? If God does, shouldn't we?

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, NLT

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Heart Condition

For the past couple of days I've been in a funk. Just felt "off." I can't really explain it in great detail. Just that feeling, you know, that something isn't quite right. I've felt very restless, impatient, frustrated and agitated. And today, I think I discovered the problem. I have a heart condition.

Before you freak out, let me define this for you. I am compelled by the heart God gave me to share the Gospel with others. Why the Gospel? Because it is my strength. God is my source and the Promises in His Word are my direction and my hope in this broken world. Why is this a heart condition? I can't shake it. I have an undeniable compassion for the broken. And I myself am broken. So, I journey with God discovering His truths and find His peace, strength, grace, unconditional love, hope, future..... And I want other broken people to find that as well.

I became involved in a conversation today where my sharing this strength illuminated this heart condition. And I found myself pondering my own beliefs. What DO I believe?

Here's a quick, not necessarily all-inclusive, list I unearthed while putting dishes away:

1. God is the Creator.
2. God gave us free will.
3. We failed God.
4. God reconciled us to Him through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.
5. Jesus is our measuring stick.
6. I should tell people about Him.
7. He'll be back.

I'm sure I believe other things regarding God, Jesus and all..... but these are the first that come to mind.

Does this mean everyone will believe the same way I do? See #2. Should I go around shoving my beliefs down other people's throats? No way! Should I condemn them and tell them they are wrong and will go to hell? No. That's half the reason people don't like Christians as it is...

I can display my beliefs through my actions and my attempt to follow Christ. I can share the truths I've found in the Word of God. I can lead by example of my faith sharing with anyone who is curious enough to listen as I grow closer to the One who put me here. I won't be timid and shy about my Source. I can't. I have a heart condition. :)

I believe we're all on an individual journey and it will take some longer than others to reach their beliefs. I believe that Christianity can be reasoned away with the way the church has acted for many years and with intellect. And I don't find my faith is rooted in either. My faith isn't because of the church and it sure isn't because of my smarts!

My faith was introduced to me in a church setting. But even I walked away from that. I found myself in a place where I no longer belonged. And I was welcomed only if I'd behave a certain way, hang with certain people, date certain boys. If I missed any of these "rules" I discovered in my teenage years, I wouldn't be a good Christian. And I found myself doubting the lessons I'd learned.

Through my "advanced" learning years (aka College), I drifted a bit farther from God. I questioned a lot of things as broader history was set before me. And I wondered how the church could claim to be so perfect? And I wondered what else was out there. But I tucked Jesus away, just in case.

It wasn't until recently, even within the past five years, I truly discovered an actual relationship with God and began a journey to mature spiritually. I wanted to know God as intimately as He desires to know me. Sure, intellectually all kinds of questions arise from that statement alone. But this isn't about opening an intellectual debate. This is about sharing with you what filled the void in my life.

I began praying as a form of conversation rather than requests. After some time, I began investigating things on my own in the Bible and reading the verses for myself. I broadened my exposure to some pretty famous teachers and preachers and I tested what I'd uncovered based upon their most frequent messages. My faith is increased through my study, worship and relationship with God. It's not an intellect thing. It's a heart thing. I can't explain to you on an intellectual level why I know the things I know. I just do. And that drives some crazy. It did me for years.

I can't necessarily eloquently argue theology. I can't pick up the Bible and flip a few pages and put my finger on a verse to counter what's just been argued to me - yet. :) But I can give you example after example of times in my life I faced impossible odds, trials that I was sure would crush me, unspeakable pain, and God pulled me through. I have no other explanation for it. God is the answer for me. His grace and His mercy. His unconditional love. It's what makes sense to me.

I thank you for taking the time to open your heart and hear my story as it unfolds here in this public arena. I thank you for taking the time to consider this perspective. I encourage you to invite others as well. And I pray for you as you travel your journey to unravel yourself to find your core and your strength. May God's favor be upon you, and may you be blessed.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Can I Give??

The urge is getting stronger. My will is becoming impatient, yet the door has not yet opened. And I know I must trust His timing, for He has a perfect plan with my life to impact others for the glory of His Kingdom. I know, without a doubt, in His time, the floodgates will open and I'll have a new-found sense of "overwhelmed" in a very good way.... I have to trust Him. And I have to be patient.

I found a video today by Luke Dowler titled Never Changes. I encourage anyone who reads this to search it on YouTube and watch it. And I dare you to ignore the compulsion that arises within you and the conviction of your heart along with the urgency to make a change in how you exist while on this side of Heaven.

I've been in the "giving" mood and pulled up several verses on the subject. Now, it's clear in the Bible that God created within His economy the principle that if you give, whatever you give, will be returned to you plus some. :)

From a superficial human perspective, this is a perfect way to get more stuff! And also describes an unpleasant condition of the heart. There are also verses within the promises that talk about God knowing your heart and the motives behind your actions. And I want to make it clear here that I do not give to get. As I get, I give more. :)

I've been a pretty giving person my entire life. I've definitely experienced those periods of time where I forgot who I am and ignored the call on my life. I forgot my purpose and focused only on my own will, my own desires, and my own selfish wants. And believe you me, I reaped what I sowed!

So, I'm returning to the pre-selfish era and finding my heart renewed with a fresh desire to give and be a blessing to others. And I'm trying to be patient as I pray asking God to open that door no one else can shut to show me the path to follow and bring His call to a reality.

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap"
(Luke 6:38, NIV)

Live blessed, be a blessing! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

From GIG: Does He See Beautiful?

There is no way I could have said this better myself. And it only confirms for me God continues His work in my heart to become more than I am today and learn to give sacrificially. Through that, I worship Him. Be blessed!

April 12, 2010

Does He See Beautiful?
Gwen Smith

Today's Truth
"Jesus said to them, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me" (Matthew 26:10, NIV).

Friend To Friend
I am completely crazy about cool jewelry, so when the Lord prompted me to take off my favorite necklace and give it to the woman who had just admired it, I tried to pretend I did not hear Him.

"It's mine, God!" I reasoned. "It isn't replaceable! Why would ask me to do that?"

My self-plan did not like the God-plan laid out before me. God was asking me to give up something that meant a lot to me so that another woman could be blessed. It seemed crazy. Unnecessary. However, in this instance, through the strength of Christ, I chose to obey even though I did not want too. It hurt. It cost me big. I felt the loss.

God softened my childish heart, however, as the woman wept at the Lord's blessing. As I silently confessed my selfish thoughts, God poured a deep joy into my soul. He showed me that my sacrifice was an act of worship to Him. Blessings boomeranged right back to my heart as I humbly thanked Him for allowing me to participate in His moment with her. It was a beautiful thing.

There are just times when I would rather give gifts that don't cost me too much. That is probably something that only I wrestle with, right? (Wink! Wink!) It is hard to be open handed with things that we hold dear, isn't it? Some of us struggle with an unwillingness to give away material things or money. Others hold tightly to our schedules, our affections, or our availability while still others try to keep a tight reign on our children, grandchildren, spouses, parents or other people in our life.

God must have known we would struggle with this because His Word addresses this issue and shows us a beautiful picture of surrendered devotion in Mary of Bethany. The offering she poured out onto the feet of Jesus was worth a year's wages. She lavished her costly perfume, her attention, her affection, her time and her worship on Jesus because she loved Him. He was her Savior. Her Friend. Her Hope. The Healer who had miraculously brought life back to the stench of death that had fallen on her brother Lazarus.

"While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.
When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. "Why this waste?" they asked. "This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor."
Aware of this, Jesus said to them, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." (Matthew 26:6-13, NIV)

The Message version says it this way: "She has just done something wonderfully significant for me." (Matthew 26:10)
When I read this story, I am compelled to wonder if God sees a beautiful thing when He looks at my life. Does He see me do anything that is wonderfully significant for Him?

What do you think He sees when he looks at your life?

Does He see a beautiful thing?

The more time we spend with God and reading His Word, the more beautiful our life will become. Therefore, here is my challenge to you: I challenge you to commit 15 minutes a day to God for one week. Just one week. Can you do that? Read a chapter in the Psalms and spend time in prayer each day for seven days. Make the sacrifice. If you already have a disciplined quiet time, I challenge you to add 15 minutes of prayer time. It will be a beautiful thing to both you and God.

When we open the hands of our lives to His presence, to His service and for His glory, rest assured God will see a beautiful thing. When we obey His promptings and listen to His voice that whispers to our soul, He will fill us to overflowing with joy, peace, satisfaction and His beauty.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beginning and the End..... In Your Presence God....

So many things run through my mind when someone I love crosses over into eternity. I think my immediate reaction is very natural and felt by most as well: I think about the physical absence of their life. I think about how I can't call them. I can't hug them. I can't kiss their head any longer. And I feel sorrow and loss considering these truths. Grief grips my heart and I begin to grapple with this earthly reality.

I then begin reflecting upon their life. How long were they in mine? I never feel it was long enough. How did they impact me? How did they impact others? Were they saved? Could I have helped with that if they weren't? Did I try?

Operating upon the "saved" assumption, grief becomes a mixture of sadness and sheer joy. A peace I can't explain envelopes me. And things no longer feel like a loss for me. It's more of a pause.

I saw a church sign the other day driving around Nashville: "Death is only a comma for those who believe in Christ." Love it! It's very true. I quickly find myself rejoicing and celebrating my loved one's promotion into that next life. And I move from remembering my past with them, to considering their present state and future. They've graduated to angel. They've seen family and friends they've missed. They've looked upon God and fallen into Christ's arms. And I cannot be sad anymore. I know that I will see them again. I have hope. And I am filled with their love. And I know they watch over me.

Don't get me wrong. I will still get choked up from time to time. I will still have moments out of the blue that trigger a memory and remind me of the physical impossibility of feeling their loving arms around me and me putting mine around them. And that momentary sadness will sweep over me again. It comes in waves. But it never crushes me. And I always resurface. Because just as quickly as I choke, I smile. I know they are forever in the presence of our Heavenly Father. I know they are whole. They have reached God's ultimate design for them. No longer in pain. Won't endure pain ever again. They cannot become ill. They will not ever know that weary, tired, "enough" feeling again. They only know joy at their very core. And the warmth surrounds me and covers me and out of the pit I climb.

I've thought about this quite a bit this past week. My cycle of grief. And I've thought about how it's changed over the course of my lifetime. How I've gravitated toward the edge of the continuum that understands "next" is where it's at, not the "now". And I've uncovered the difference for me.

This life is not my goal. This life is not my source. God is.

Revelation 22:13 (NIV)13"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

God truly is my source. Sharing this strength comes just as natural to me now as breathing. I don't even think about it any longer. I will find myself in a conversation about literally anything and hear myself suddenly mention God or prayer. And sometimes I pause and think to myself, "Where did that come from?"

I know the answer before the thought is completed. God. My source.

There is a song by Phil Wickham to which I am absolutely addicted. I don't really know yet (I'll look it up) if he wrote it. But I LOVE his recording. It's called Divine Romance. And there is a line in the song which states, "In Your presence God I'm completely satisfied." This is true for me. When I'm in His presence, when I'm acknowledging Him, serving Him, worshiping Him, I feel complete.

I'm fortunate for the family and friends that I have. I enjoy this life much more with them than I would without them. I can attest to that! And I want to keep the ones I have for as long as I can; and expand the circle. However, God is my source. He is my rock. He's the One who will never abandon me, forsake me, walk away from me, leave me stranded, hurt me, disappoint me, create confusion within me. He will do the opposite of all of these.

We live in a broken world. And we are all broken. I am broken. I have many areas upon which I can improve. I'm convicted daily of several of them. :) But I don't live condemned. And I don't let others condemn me. I allow God to have that job. And I continue to do what I can in my strength and leave to Him what I cannot handle. This allows Him to do what I can't in His strength. There is more peace in this, trust me. :) I'm just glad that after 37 years of living I'm understanding the lessons He's been trying to teach me each day of my life.

I pray that through my understanding of God's lessons, and His call on my life to share these, someone else, many someone's if that is His will, can internalize these ideas and lessons and save themselves heartache. I don't share this to condemn anyone. I don't share this to seem "above" others. I'm not. I'm broken. I have character defects. I'm not Holier than Thou. I want to share what I'm learning that is taking away the pain of this world, and replacing it with the Peace that passes all understanding through Jesus Christ.

Contrary to some's belief, I do not want others to feel hopeless pain. I want them to find God and realize He fills the void. All voids. He truly is enough. He just blesses us with others so we can experience more joy.

Father God, thank you for the experiences in my life that have brought me to this point. Thank you, Lord, that you continue to work on my heart and shape it to match yours. Thank you for those who align me to your will. Father, keep me humble. Continue to use me to shine your light. You are magnificent, Almighty God, and you can choose whomever to further your Kingdom. I pray you will continue to use your willing servant as a tool in your hands. Use these words you've given me and these lessons I've learned to reach others, Father. Extend my hand to those in need of your peace. Let my words be encouraging and not those tearing down my loved ones. Increase my patience and my servant nature. Replace the areas of my heart that are broken. Watch over, guide and protect my family and friends. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There is a time for everything....

Over the past 18 months, I've experienced loss. And I've lost count how many of my friends have also experienced the pain and anguish of losing a loved one. Two days ago, another loved one passed. The following verses immediately came to mind:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NIV) 1There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: 2a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, 6a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Now, I would beg to differ with the author about hating and killing. Think the commandments made that pretty clear and Jesus' instruction to love one another and His focus on forgiveness and loving even our enemies trumps those two pieces. But I understand what the author was saying. We're going to experience bad and good; and each has a purpose.

I've reached the age in my life loss of family becomes "closer." Let me explain. I loved all of my relatives who've gone on before me. And considered myself close to several of them. But I've now experienced the loss of parents. My dad passed a year ago, and my mother-in-law two days ago. Those are two people in your life who are considerably closer than great-aunts, great-uncles, great-grandparents.

Please don't misunderstand me. I loved with all of my childlike and young adult heart each of those who've gone on before me. And while their position and influence on my life may not have been as close to my center as parents and grandparents, their lives and influence were close to the center of other's lives. And to them, I now "get it."

In an attempt to not allow the enemy to wreck my world, I've been doing some serious soul searching with regard to life and death. I've read the Promises in the Word of God. I've meditated and prayed and asked for wisdom in this area. I've shared a bit at different times in other posts, and for those who've read this newly adopted theory of mine, sorry for the repeat. For those who are not on my journey and haven't made a similar discovery and therefore will not understand my words, I'm sorry. I do not mean to offend you.

In no way is the following a chastise or a "sneeze" at another's pain. Pain is real. Emotional pain is tremendously profound. When the darkness covers your heart, when you feel as though your very core has been ripped from you, when you cannot possibly fathom taking another breath on this earth without the loved one who is now gone, that pain is real. And I've experienced it. I remember it. It's suffocating. It's desperate. And it's hopeless.

I have a new outlook though. I've decided through my studies death isn't the end. It feels like the end because we can't yet see eternity. We aren't able to see that spiritual realm. We don't see the good and the evil that surrounds us daily. Our physical, human bodies limit us in this area. We're in the natural.

And from a scientific perspective of the natural all life has a cycle. And disease can influence that cycle. And there are different causes for disease. Some we can control. Some we cannot. Some we can heal. Some we cannot.

Our bodies are simply the shell currently containing our soul and our spirit. They are of this natural world. And they have a cycle. When someone dies, it's not their soul or their spirit that dies. It's their body. They live on. Basically, they are released into the spirit realm. Suddenly, they experience things with a new set of senses on an expanded continuum. They are no longer limited as we are.

Here in the natural, we tend to believe that this is it. We believe what we see. We focus too much on the "here" and not the "next". It's good to enjoy "here." It's even better to use "here" to influence other's to decide about their "next." :) But listen, this is not the end. Our family members, our friends, they've not died entirely. Only their body has died. Only their natural vessel has reached the end of the cycle. Their spirit is released; and if they believed, they are in Heaven.

Who knows depths of Heaven? Why couldn't they exist simultaneously in multiple locations? Their spirit is free. And weren't we made in God's image? They are singing with angels, they are in that army, they are daily worshiping and praising God, they are interacting with those they loved who's bodies died before theirs....

This natural world in which we live, the one we're not doing a great job of taking care of? It's not "it." There is more. This life is a blink compared to eternity. Eternity. Can our natural minds even comprehend that?? For all time. Forever. No end.

I hope my natural life cycle is a long one. I hope that God chooses to allow me to continue growing and realizing things. I hope that He continues to allow me to share my discoveries with others. And I hope the light He shines through my life can help others find peace in their own via Him. He is my strength. He is my source. Without Him, I am nothing.

Father God, our natural world is a mystery to us. We have opinions and theories. We have our own thoughts bombarding us; and many of those thoughts generate from the enemy trying to keep us off-course. Lord, I pray that you will strengthen everyone who reads this. I pray that you will help them find you. I pray that you will guide them on their own journey of self-discovery of your truth and your will for their lives. Grant them your favor and your grace. Help them heal. Redeem them, Father, restore their broken lives. For those who've succumb to destructive behavior, show them their source of strength to overcome those addictions. For those who've retreated into solitude, reveal to them lives of those who need them. For those who've buried themselves in work, convict them, Father, of the needs of their spouse, their kids and reveal to them your principles and how they can do more in their lives and make a greater impact by putting you first. Continue to mold us. Continue to speak to our hearts. Continue to change us into who you've designed each of us to be that we may go out into this world and bring the lost to you. In Jesus' name, Amen!