Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Give. Then Give Some More.

Recently, it was brought to my attention that over 100 thousand, yes, THOUSAND people (and this isn't the official, final count) purchased an item for an online game that cost them each $25. Now, for some, $25 is a drop in the bucket. For others, that's a major deal. Let's look at it in the context of 100 thousand of them.....

That calculates to $2.5 million dollars. Not the final total, mind you. I'm sure they don't release that number. But in a single 3-5 hour span.

IF those same 100+ thousand would have given this money toward naturopathic cancer treatment, and toward just one of the types of treatments, 68 people would be able to receive weekly treatments for a solid year.

So, this got me thinking about my life and my giving patterns and the excuses that come along with not doing it. Or not doing more.

Don't get me wrong, I know the economy is tight right now. Many don't have jobs and are running out of unemployment or living off savings they swore they'd never touch. Others are working two jobs to ensure the bank doesn't come after the house or the car. I understand tight. Perfectly. Far too well, even.

I put it into perspective for myself this way: While I may only be able to give a few dollars here and there, if we all gave what we could, collectively it grows. If you think about it, in comparison to the population of the world, one hundred thousand people isn't that much. It isn't even 1% of the population. It's 0.00147% (using 6.8 billion - which is the last number I heard.)

Many times in my life, rather than asking what I could sacrifice to give more, I asked myself how little could I give so that I could keep doing what I was doing.

Do you get a coffee every morning before work? Starbucks? McDonald's? How about a donut to go with it? Egg McMuffin?? Piece of fruit? Bagel at Panera (those are YUMMY!!)? Anything you do every single week or day that has just become a standard for you, but isn't really a need at all?

I am not talking about giving so much that you have to ask for help to meet your own needs. Simply asking that we all look at our lives and our routines. Where do you spend your money? Where do you spend your time?

Some of us are strapped to the max. There is no more blood to be squeezed out of the turnip. Our schedules are so completely full that we don't know if we're coming or going. We already feel the stress and pressures of life to do more and to be more. And we're exhausted. We're spent.

So, if we're at that brink, let's evaluate what we're doing. Put it on paper. Track your spending for a week, two weeks, a month. See where the money is really going. Log your time. How much time are you spending in the car getting from one place to the next? Can you consolidate your "outings"? Maybe do your shopping closer to home? Carpool and spend time blessing someone by sharing God's love.... Or better yet, listening?

Here are a few monetary things posed as a donation amount, and a very small sacrifice that will provide that amount:

$5 - the same as 1 Starbucks coffee; or a 12 pack of soda

$10 - 2 cartons of ice cream; 2 footlong Subways

$15 - Fast food lunch/dinner for two. Some people, just themselves.

$20 - 4 days of Starbucks; maybe a magazine subscription

$25 - 5 days of Starbucks; or daily coffee and donuts before work

$50 - cutting cable down to half for one month; forgoing the Olive Garden, Red Lobster, etc.

$75 - some combo sacrificing; dinner and a movie for two

$100 - cut the cable to basic for a month; or cut it in half for 2 months

What can we reduce that isn't a necessity in order to bless someone who truly has a need?

There are thousands of charitable organization struggling in this economy just like us. But if we all join together, we can make a difference. Money, food, time.

What event has touched your heart and soul to the core of who you are?

Been in an abusive family? There are organizations designed to help the abuser overcome, rescue those being abused, help them find jobs, shelter, financial assistance. What about giving to one of them and be a part of breaking that horrendous cycle for some family?

Drug addiction/alcoholism touch a nerve for you? Have you experienced and overcome it yourself? Have you seen how it robs life from those you love? Find your local organizations and ask how you can help. Maybe they need materials for a program and they can't fund it. Maybe they need art supplies for art therapy. Old magazines taking up space in your house. Maybe they need coffee cups for meetings. Maybe they need coffee! Anything you can think of. Don't be afraid to call and ask if they do have a wish list. Most operations geared toward social justice and assistance have one.

Heart disease? Cancer? Multiple Sclerosis? Muscular Dystrophy? Cystic Fibrosis? Diabetes? This list can go on forever. And every single disease mentioned has a national organization you can Google and quickly search for local chapters or other areas of need. And with most, you can be as involved as your life-balance allows.

There are so many other wonderful organizations. I cannot possibly list them all. My challenge to you is to take your pulse. Do a status check. What's your spiritual location? Are you on track with who God has called you to be? Or are you stuck in the hamster wheel simply running as fast as you can but truly going nowhere.

Opportunities are plentiful. We only need to evaluate, identify, eliminate and pray for God to fill the voids we uncover.

Think you have absolutely no way to do anything else either financially or with your time. Change that order. And pray first. Ask God to show you the extra filling in your life. Ask God to direct you toward the causes or people who need your blessings.

Maybe they live in your house. Maybe they are your parents or your grandparents. Maybe they are closer than you think.

Be willing to change. Be open to heart surgery from the Master. And be ready to find fulfillment. Through the simple act of blessing others, you will find greater joy in your life. Promise.

Be blessed!!

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