Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There is a time for everything....

Over the past 18 months, I've experienced loss. And I've lost count how many of my friends have also experienced the pain and anguish of losing a loved one. Two days ago, another loved one passed. The following verses immediately came to mind:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NIV) 1There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: 2a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, 6a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Now, I would beg to differ with the author about hating and killing. Think the commandments made that pretty clear and Jesus' instruction to love one another and His focus on forgiveness and loving even our enemies trumps those two pieces. But I understand what the author was saying. We're going to experience bad and good; and each has a purpose.

I've reached the age in my life loss of family becomes "closer." Let me explain. I loved all of my relatives who've gone on before me. And considered myself close to several of them. But I've now experienced the loss of parents. My dad passed a year ago, and my mother-in-law two days ago. Those are two people in your life who are considerably closer than great-aunts, great-uncles, great-grandparents.

Please don't misunderstand me. I loved with all of my childlike and young adult heart each of those who've gone on before me. And while their position and influence on my life may not have been as close to my center as parents and grandparents, their lives and influence were close to the center of other's lives. And to them, I now "get it."

In an attempt to not allow the enemy to wreck my world, I've been doing some serious soul searching with regard to life and death. I've read the Promises in the Word of God. I've meditated and prayed and asked for wisdom in this area. I've shared a bit at different times in other posts, and for those who've read this newly adopted theory of mine, sorry for the repeat. For those who are not on my journey and haven't made a similar discovery and therefore will not understand my words, I'm sorry. I do not mean to offend you.

In no way is the following a chastise or a "sneeze" at another's pain. Pain is real. Emotional pain is tremendously profound. When the darkness covers your heart, when you feel as though your very core has been ripped from you, when you cannot possibly fathom taking another breath on this earth without the loved one who is now gone, that pain is real. And I've experienced it. I remember it. It's suffocating. It's desperate. And it's hopeless.

I have a new outlook though. I've decided through my studies death isn't the end. It feels like the end because we can't yet see eternity. We aren't able to see that spiritual realm. We don't see the good and the evil that surrounds us daily. Our physical, human bodies limit us in this area. We're in the natural.

And from a scientific perspective of the natural all life has a cycle. And disease can influence that cycle. And there are different causes for disease. Some we can control. Some we cannot. Some we can heal. Some we cannot.

Our bodies are simply the shell currently containing our soul and our spirit. They are of this natural world. And they have a cycle. When someone dies, it's not their soul or their spirit that dies. It's their body. They live on. Basically, they are released into the spirit realm. Suddenly, they experience things with a new set of senses on an expanded continuum. They are no longer limited as we are.

Here in the natural, we tend to believe that this is it. We believe what we see. We focus too much on the "here" and not the "next". It's good to enjoy "here." It's even better to use "here" to influence other's to decide about their "next." :) But listen, this is not the end. Our family members, our friends, they've not died entirely. Only their body has died. Only their natural vessel has reached the end of the cycle. Their spirit is released; and if they believed, they are in Heaven.

Who knows depths of Heaven? Why couldn't they exist simultaneously in multiple locations? Their spirit is free. And weren't we made in God's image? They are singing with angels, they are in that army, they are daily worshiping and praising God, they are interacting with those they loved who's bodies died before theirs....

This natural world in which we live, the one we're not doing a great job of taking care of? It's not "it." There is more. This life is a blink compared to eternity. Eternity. Can our natural minds even comprehend that?? For all time. Forever. No end.

I hope my natural life cycle is a long one. I hope that God chooses to allow me to continue growing and realizing things. I hope that He continues to allow me to share my discoveries with others. And I hope the light He shines through my life can help others find peace in their own via Him. He is my strength. He is my source. Without Him, I am nothing.

Father God, our natural world is a mystery to us. We have opinions and theories. We have our own thoughts bombarding us; and many of those thoughts generate from the enemy trying to keep us off-course. Lord, I pray that you will strengthen everyone who reads this. I pray that you will help them find you. I pray that you will guide them on their own journey of self-discovery of your truth and your will for their lives. Grant them your favor and your grace. Help them heal. Redeem them, Father, restore their broken lives. For those who've succumb to destructive behavior, show them their source of strength to overcome those addictions. For those who've retreated into solitude, reveal to them lives of those who need them. For those who've buried themselves in work, convict them, Father, of the needs of their spouse, their kids and reveal to them your principles and how they can do more in their lives and make a greater impact by putting you first. Continue to mold us. Continue to speak to our hearts. Continue to change us into who you've designed each of us to be that we may go out into this world and bring the lost to you. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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