Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Can I Give??

The urge is getting stronger. My will is becoming impatient, yet the door has not yet opened. And I know I must trust His timing, for He has a perfect plan with my life to impact others for the glory of His Kingdom. I know, without a doubt, in His time, the floodgates will open and I'll have a new-found sense of "overwhelmed" in a very good way.... I have to trust Him. And I have to be patient.

I found a video today by Luke Dowler titled Never Changes. I encourage anyone who reads this to search it on YouTube and watch it. And I dare you to ignore the compulsion that arises within you and the conviction of your heart along with the urgency to make a change in how you exist while on this side of Heaven.

I've been in the "giving" mood and pulled up several verses on the subject. Now, it's clear in the Bible that God created within His economy the principle that if you give, whatever you give, will be returned to you plus some. :)

From a superficial human perspective, this is a perfect way to get more stuff! And also describes an unpleasant condition of the heart. There are also verses within the promises that talk about God knowing your heart and the motives behind your actions. And I want to make it clear here that I do not give to get. As I get, I give more. :)

I've been a pretty giving person my entire life. I've definitely experienced those periods of time where I forgot who I am and ignored the call on my life. I forgot my purpose and focused only on my own will, my own desires, and my own selfish wants. And believe you me, I reaped what I sowed!

So, I'm returning to the pre-selfish era and finding my heart renewed with a fresh desire to give and be a blessing to others. And I'm trying to be patient as I pray asking God to open that door no one else can shut to show me the path to follow and bring His call to a reality.

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap"
(Luke 6:38, NIV)

Live blessed, be a blessing! :)

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