Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So many things have me so frustrated right now on so many different levels. It seems the news only intensifies these emotions and multiplies my questions. Since I was very young, I've used journaling to "clear my head" and help me sort through thoughts and make things manageable. This blog is nothing more than a transparent attempt to do this; and I'm inviting you to the journey.

WARNING: The following thoughts are simply that. And they are mine. Some are not yet well developed. No offense is ever intended. I'm simply revealing my mind, the process and journey I'm currently on as I sift through the emotions and questions God has clearly put before me. I thank you for respecting this.

Where are we headed?? Our country is in a mess. Our leaders are deadlocked on issues simply because the "party" wants this or that. We've polarized our country. Republicans think they are morally right. Democrats think they are morally right. Who is right?

For me, that would be Jesus. At the risk of having fingers pointed my direction, let me share what I've learned. Integrity. Honesty. Humility. Responsibility. Accountability. Compassion. Love. These are the Principles of Christ. Where did they go in this country? And which party embraces them?

Why are all of our decisions based upon the bottom line? Why aren't they based upon the good of our country?

Why do we criticize solutions without offering an alternative? Have we learned this from our leaders?

Why have our systems become unnavigable? So many twists, turns, loop-holes and exceptions. No wonder our countrymen are confused.

Who decides to what we are entitled?

Why is the right to bear arms more important than the right to medical care?

Why should our senior citizens who worked their 30+ years before retirement have to decide whether or not they eat or they buy their life-saving medicines?

Why are we on so much medication?

Why are foster care children removed from their families and placed with strangers (while some are very loving, some are not) when they have family who wants them? Why aren't parents putting their children first in the first place?

Why do we know about limited resources, yet we continue to use them as though we are ignorant to this fact?

Why do medicines cost mere dollars to manufacture, but thousands to keep us alive? Why are we on so much medicine?

Why is it more important to amass wealth and power at the expense of other people's livelihoods?

How do we decide who is qualified to receive our charity?

Who "deserves" Christ's saving grace and redemptive love?

God is doing a work on me. He's moving me to a point I've never been in my life. I don't feel as though I can sit idly by and just watch things unfold, all the while protecting "my corner." What is "my corner" anyway? Is it just myself? Is it just my family? Family. Who is my family? Immediate as in blood relatives? Living in my home? People I love? Brothers and sisters in Christ?

I don't know what God is about to do. But He's stirring in me so powerfully I am not okay with a sideline seat. I feel like I need to get into the game. But I'm not yet sure who's game or how. I'm not okay with what I'm seeing unravel here, I can vouch for that.

Our leaders have forgotten themselves. They aren't listening to us anymore. Personal and party agendas are rampant. And it's not working.

Our children (granted, not all) aren't motivated. They are content with doing nothing. They have more knowledge of the world and recycling than we ever did at their age. Yet many ignore it. Why? Because we do. (Again, not all of us). Our kids are okay with sitting at the TV or the computer and snacking all day. Why? That's what we do. (Again, not all of us). And if we're not doing it, yet we're allowing them to do it, we are doing them a grave disservice.

We have people who are unemployed who desperately want to work; yet can't find a job. We have people who have never wanted to work anyway. And unfortunately the ones who do want to work are being judged with the goggles we use to see the other set of unemployed folks.

We have people who are working more than one job to make ends meet who still can't feed their kids properly; they are doing their best.

We have people who have insurance available to them but don't take advantage of it because the little bit out of their check (or a lot, in some cases) determines whether or not they have gas to even get to work and whether or not they have 2 meals a day or just one.

We have people who have worked all of their lives and will never have money to retire.

Is there no way we can help any of them? Are we so far gone that we believe "fend for yourself" is the right philosophy? What happened to "teach a man to fish?"

I'm no longer okay doing nothing. I don't yet know what I'm going to do. I don't yet know where God is going to lead. I know when it's right, He will open the doors and light the path I am to walk to make a difference. I fully trust in Him and know His way will be the right way.

I don't know how, but I have to do something. I have to take what I'm learning in my walk with God and share it with others. I have to find a way to contribute using the resources and talent I have in a balanced way. I have to meet the needs of my family God has blessed me with, and impact the lives of others giving them hope as well. I have to teach others to fish.

I'm not okay. I'm burdened. I'm compelled. I'm called to make an impact for the Father, for His Kingdom. I want nothing in return but to hear my Father say, "Well done, faithful servant. Well done."

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