Wednesday, March 17, 2010

From One of My Devotionals: Life Can Be Tough

I thought it was more than appropriate to share the following devotional. So many of us find ourselves struggling today. Whether it be dealing with loss of work, financial hardships caused by many different circumstances, medical issues, relationship trouble, confusion about our direction, addictions, difficulties with our kids, etc. Each of us could probably describe something in our life causing us emotional pain. And in many cases, we don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. We only see obstacle upon obstacle; and darkness.

For people who do not know Jesus, their circumstances can seem desperate and hopeless. Some simply suffer in silence with no earthly idea of a way out. So, they tread water in the deep wondering if they will ever be rescued, accepting life as it is and deciding it's horrible. Some will find themselves beyond despair and decide there is no way out except to check out permanently. And people who are in these situations have an extremely difficult time understanding the concept of God being good due to their suffering.

Christians are not automatically exempt from desperation. Just because you believe in Jesus doesn't mean you've embraced all of the promises in the Word. It doesn't mean you understand the goodness. And it certainly doesn't eliminate our questions of "why" with regard to pain, difficulties, suffering and hardships.

The following devotional begins with one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It's a promise spoken by Jesus. He lays it out for us that we will endure some tough times while on this side of eternity. There will be trouble. If we stop at that statement we can quickly spin out of control feeling hopeless. I choose to focus on the latter part of the verse. And I hope you will, too.

We do have hope. We have hope in Christ. He has overcome this world by defeating the enemy once already when He conquered death through the resurrection. Further study and additional reading in the Bible reveals to us that there will be one more trip by Christ. And with that trip He will defeat evil for all time.

Does this mean we are to never feel sorrow or grief? Does this mean it's not okay to feel pain? No. Not at all. Christ said we will. My encouragement today is for us to allow the waves to come, but for us to always look to the solution in Christ; and not the height of those waves. God has promised the waves will not crush us. See Isaiah 43:1-3.

While I may not have a solution to a problem in my life, I truly know, believe and trust that God does. And I know He will be faithful. And in His time, He will deliver me. I know that He's not late. So, I also know the situation and the duration have a purpose.

I'm not perfect in this practice. But since I began practicing it I've found new peace in my life. I still become angry. I still lose my temper. I feel sorrow and grief. I still cry out to God, "WHY??" But I'm learning to accept His answer, or His silence. I'm learning to allow those feelings to come and to feel them. But not to dwell on them. And I remember everything has a purpose and He has my best interest at heart.

Life Can Be Tough

JOHN 16:33 ICB
33 "I told you these things so that you can have peace in me.
In this world you will have trouble. But be brave! I have
defeated the world!"

Jesus never promised us that everything would be perfect here
on earth. He recognized that we would encounter trouble. But
His instructions were to be of good cheer -- not to let it get
us down.

As we encounter difficulties in life, it will help us to
remember the big picture. First, God is our Father and has a
wonderful eternal plan for us. We are His children and He loves
us. Second, this time is but a training period for our future
life with God. We are supposed to be learning to trust God and
to obey Him.

So, every problem we ever face is an opportunity to walk in
faith and please God. Every problem is an opportunity to
overcome with God's help. How can we expect to receive the
blessings promised to the overcomer if we never have anything
to overcome?

What is the answer when we seem overwhelmed with trouble? Look
to Jesus. He has already won the victory. He has overcome and
defeated the world. In Him is victory.

You may ask how you can look to Jesus. It is mostly a matter of
focus -- what you choose to think on. What God says in His Word
will set you free and give you peace. What the circumstances
say is not the final word.

So, go to God's Word. Cling to the promises. Speak them. Sing
them. Shout them. Rejoice over them. And thank God for them.

Also, you need to develop a closer relationship with the Lord.
That is His desire and it should be yours. All relationships
are based on communication, so you must talk to the Lord to
deepen your relationship with Him. Develop the habit of talking
with Him about everything. You can speak freely to Him -- after
all He knows what you are thinking anyway.

SAY THIS: No matter what I face, the Lord is with me, and I can
overcome because Jesus already won the victory.

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