Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"To sleep, perchance to dream- ay, there's the rub."

I was ready for sleep at 8 PM tonight.... It's almost 1 AM. I'm obviously awake. :)

I think the quote from Hamlet I used for my title will be burned into my brain forever. Along with the memory of Mrs. Palmer's English class, some song I was assigned to sing that I promptly changed into a rap - with shades and all. I'm sure Shakespeare would have been proud! (Excuse the sarcasm!)

I posted the following on my facebook status this evening, before I was about to call it a day:

Our time here is but a blink. Use it wisely. Forgive quickly. Love deeply. Laugh. Cry when you need to. Laugh again. Be a blessing to everyone you meet. Allow yourself to accept God's healing, God's plans, and God's timing. This isn't the end. There is no end. There is just "next." And next is good! Be ready.

It's where I'm at. It's a place I've been for close to a year now. Event after event continues to occur through which the overall lessons behind the words in that paragraph are engraved just as deep as the Hamlet quote. My view is shifting. My focus is shifting. My desires and my wants are shifting.

I'm beginning to embrace some things on a spiritual level I've known intellectually for many, many years. And I hope with this embrace action soon follows and change is inevitable.

This life isn't about me and all I can achieve. It isn't about job titles, job status, monetary achievements. It isn't about how many friends I can amass on the facebook wall. It's not about how many good deeds I can accomplish. How many pats on the back I can garner.

This life is about to whom can I show Christ? How many can I bless with what God has given to me?

I sit in this room and look around at the "stuff." In some areas, there is over-abundance; we are lacking in others. However, at the end of the day, none if it is really "ours." We wouldn't have any of it if God didn't provide a way for us to get it. Things we purchased we did so with God's money. Things that were given to us we acquired as God moved those people's hearts with His grace to bless us.

We are stewards in this life with God's resources. I find myself considering more often than not, "What am I doing with God's stuff?"

His Word - Am I sharing it? Am I living it? Am I singing it? Am I praying it? Am I studying it? Am I applying it?

His Promises - Am I believing them? Am I expecting them? Am I sharing them?

His Love - Am I embracing it? Am I receiving it? Am I giving it?

His Light - Am I basking in it? Am I resting in it? Am I shining it?

His Grace - Am I accepting it? Am I living in it? Am I practicing it?

His Forgiveness - Am I taking it? Am I displaying it?

I'm sure I could continue this list. And I'm wise enough to know that I will never be fully like Christ.... Not here anyway. But my goal should be to move myself and my growth continuum more toward His example each day. Do what I can in my strength and allow God to do what I cannot with His strength.

We never know when our work here is finished. We never know when someone else's choices or free will can impact our own destiny. We find ourselves questioning His plan, His timing, His reasons. We struggle to understand when a life ends the meaning, the message, the purpose.

As I dig into God's Word, and as I continually develop my relationship with Him, the revelations appearing before me are simple in their statement, but difficult to apply.

"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

Cancer is ugly. It is a wasting disease that tears down not only the person in whom it resides, but also each life touched by the afflicted. Some, by the grace of God through medicine, grit and determination, are allowed more time here with us. Others may walk the same trail with the same level of medicine, grit and determination, yet they are called home. There is no rhyme or reason. There is no explanation why some things work on some, but don't on others. There is no explanation why some have a short battle, while others feel as though they're trudging through heavy mud.

The fact remains God is in control. God has promised each life has a plan and a purpose. We are His children. We belong to Him. He will not allow the things of this earth to crush us. He will never abandon us. He is always by our side. He will carry us when we are too weak to stand. And when He's finished our mansion, and we've done our job, He'll call us home to be with Him forever.

This doesn't make loss hurt less. It doesn't mean I don't grieve when someone can no longer be with us here. It does help give me hope. It does help me rejoice for that person. It does make me understand the assignment here is complete and a promotion has occurred. And it does remind me that some day all believers will forever rejoice and worship our Heavenly Father basking in His glory for all time.

I can't stop God's plan. I can't keep people here when He says it's time. But I can do my best to make sure I do what He's called me to do. I can do my best to be the best example of His Son I can be. I can be a blessing to others. I can shine His light. I can be a willing tool in His hands. I can share His love, His grace, and His forgiveness. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Grieve. It's okay. It's expected and it's part of the healing. It takes time. Some longer than others. Remember, God has a plan for us too. We're still here.

Be blessed!

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